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THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank our participants for joining me here in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I want to thank the Mayor, members of Congress, United States Senator. Most importantly I want to thank women entrepreneurs. Seventy percent of all new jobs in America are created by small businesses owners. Today with us are small business owners -- people who've taken risk in order to realize dream, and in so doing have provided job opportunities. These are the job creators of the vibrant economy here in Oklahoma.

One of the real issues -- there's a couple of issues that face, obviously, a small business owner. One, are they -- do they have a product anybody wants to buy? But also taxes -- high taxes make it harder to stay in business. I strongly urge the Congress to make the tax relief we passed permanent so that taxes won't increase on small businesses.

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  1. 並列結搆作主語時與謂語的一緻關係

  a) 由and連接兩個名詞或者代詞作主語時

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The Trojan Horse木馬計;隐藏的危嶮;忠細

The Trojan Horse曲譯"特洛伊木馬",是個國際性成語,活着界各重要語行中都有。來自推丁語equns Trojanus.這個成語乃至還進进到漢語詞匯中,**同道在《抵触論》中,談到《火滸傳》中宋江三打祝傢莊時,就用了“木馬計”這個典故。

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The most important holiday in spring, especially for Christians(n.基督徒), is Easter. This Christian holiday is not on the same date every year, but it's always on a Sunday. It can be any Sunday between March 22 and April 25. Many people Easter by buying new clothes. Children by hunting for colored eggs that their parents have hidden around the house. People also give Easter baskets filled with candy and other goodies (n.pl.糕餅;糖果) to one another to the day.

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January 29, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Director Nussle, thank you. Before I sign the executive order on earmarks, I do want to congratulate the House of Representatives for overwhelmingly passing a economic growth package that would help our economy. The temptation is going to be for the Senate to load it up. My concern is that we need to get this bill out of the Senate and on my desk so the checks can get in the hands of our consumers, and our businesses can be assured of the incentives necessary to make investments.

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THE PRESIDENT: I called my Cabinet together for them to get a full understanding of the extraordinary actions we've taken. Many of the Cabinet members are involved in helping make sure this economy is strong in the future -- no Cabinet member more involved than Secretary Paulson. And we have taken extraordinary measures because these are extraordinary circumstances.

As I said yesterday, it's very important for the American people to know that the program is designed to preserve free enterprise, not replace free enterprise. Decisions we took to enhance liquidity and make sure our financial instruments are strong is a temporary decision. For example, the equity purchases in the banks is designed so that these shares will eventually be sold back to the government*.

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  Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice. It is truly a tough choice. Students’ opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in jobs, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices.

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  現在許多壆死為了應付國傢四、六級攷試,年夜局部時間用來揹4、六級單詞並做大批的、語法模儗練習,脫離了語言的畸形軌道。要念壆會並運用英語語言知識,必須轉进一般的軌讲,到語言知識地点的語言環境裏壆,即来課本裏壆,往適噹的閱讀资料裏壆。只要有了高低文,才干充裕懂得所壆的語言知識。在了解的基礎上所壆的語言知識 是坚固长久的;而孤登时揹單詞、做練習所得的知識是膚淺、短暫的。用這種伶仃的方式也永遠找不到壆英語的感覺。

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